Storytelling 2023年

送り主に戻る(Return to Sender)



I grabbed a pen and I wrote the first love letter that I ever wrote in my life. I just poured my guts out on the page and I told her how much I loved her. I told her that I've never loved anybody like I loved her and I could never see myself loving anybody else the way I loved her.(Omission)I kept waiting and I didn't get a response from them. I just I felt so humiliated and I was so mad at myself for writing this letter.


I realized that letter meant a completely different thing to her than it did to me. Where I saw shame and humiliation and embarrassment she saw warmth and comfort in love.


Every once in a while I still think about that letter. I'm amazed by how much different I feel about it now than I used to. I used to just feel so embarrassed by it ,but now I'm really proud that I wrote.


I like to think that maybe someday if she's having a rough day she might stumble across it again, might bring a smile to her face and help her through another rough time. It might have taken me 30 years to realize it but that letter allow me to have the most dignified breakup I've ever had in my life.

Matty Struski, The Moth

演じ続けなければ(The Show Must Go On)


私は恥ずかしかった。その場所はとても静かで、ピンが落ちる音が聞こえるくらい静かでした。この場合は、歯が落ちる音が聞こえるくらい。その瞬間、私は決断をしなければいけませんでした。このオーディションを終えるか、恥ずかしさから逃げ出してしまうか。私はどうしたか。地面から歯を拾い上げ、口に戻し、My Heartを歌いました。

I was so embarrassed. It was so silent in there. You could hear a pin drop. Well in this case you could hear a tube drop. In that moment, I had to make a decision. Am I going to finish this audition or am I going to run out of hair from sheer embarrassment? Yeah, I want to know what I did. I picked the tube up off the ground popped into my mouth and sang My Heart.

Ashley Johnson, The Moth

バントケーキ(the bundt cake)



I wasn't expecting at best, maybe some good hearted jokes at my expense, or if I was lucky, someone would just toss it. But to my surprise, I was bombarded with praise from my co workers all day long, telling me that they had never had a better cake in their entire lives, encouraging me to quit my job and pursue a professional career as a pastry chef.

Annie Share, The Moth

大いなる幻想(Grand Illusion)



finally we've been hanging out for a month before I tried to really kiss him. I leaned in, we were on his dorm bed and he stopped me and he said, "I love you. You know this is pretend right?" And I said, "Yeah, I obviously right of course". And I get up off his bed, and I go back to my room.


I know it's a trick and I know I don't know how he does it, but it feels so good and I just want it to last a little bit longer.

Micaela Blei, The Moth

サプライズ・パーティー(Surprise Party)



I remember glancing at Larry and I said, I wonder whose birthday it is. He gave me this look like he wanted to call 911 and he said "it's yours". And I said, "Oh no, no, it's not me". He said "Fake it". Which was easy to do, because obviously it was supposed to be a surprise. And I was shocked. So it was easy for me to fake it.

・説明文より:シーラ・カヴァナグは思いがけず他人の誕生日を盗んでしまう(Sheila Cavanaugh accidentally steals someone else’s birthday.

Sheila Cavanaugh, The Moth

フェミニストのダンスパーティーに男性が現れる(So a Man Walks into a Feminist Dance Party)



これこそ、これまでの人生で探してきたコミュニティだ。今度は2番目のプロチョイスのプロムクイーンを決めるとき。司会者が帽子から別の名前を引き出して、"Jamie Lee" と読み上げた。みんな拍手し、クイーン・ジェイミーを探して周りを見回すなか、私は左の彼氏を見た。Jamie Lee。彼は驚いた様子でしたが、私たち二人とも何が起こっているのか分からないまま、彼はステージに向かった。

This is the community that I've been looking for my whole life I found it. Then it's time to crown the second pro choice prom queen soap. emcee draws another name out of the hat and reads out Jamie Lee, and everyone this clapping looking around for Queen Jamie and I turn my head to the left and look at my boyfriend. Jamie Lee. He looks startled, but before either of us really know what's happening, he's making his way to the stage.

Hannah Malus, Story District

レイチェルがいかにして調子を取り戻したか(How Rachel Got Her Groove Back)



WWSJD:What would Samantha Jones do?(WWJDのもじり)


Then I realized not only was I probably datable but I'm sort of a badass.

Rachel Gross, Story District

キッチンの魔法(Kitchen Magic)



I'm finally worthy as my mother always was, even if she didn't know it.

Brenda Williams, The Moth

すべてが無駄になる(All In Vein)



He says, "We need more people like you who are good at their job". I looked at him and I turned around and I looked him in the eyes and I said, "I know".

・タイトルのAll In Veinは、「all in vain(すべてが無駄になる)」と「Vein(静脈)」の言葉遊び